This is a “raw asset picture dump” post. It is a fairly un-annotated dump of pictures taken while archiving a vintage asset. Click any picture for the full-resolution version. The title indicates the asset catalog number.
Raw notes for this asset: “Black screen. Chips dated late 1983 (8344 typ). Yard sale sticker “Commodore keyboard $300 ($3.00?) AS IS 11/21/98” removed and some Magic Eraser work performed but basically not cleaned or restored. Sticker was in original owner’s handwriting based on other articles from the acquisition”
This is a Commodore 64 breadbox edition with color badge and the older yellow F-keys. It was part of my Inglis, FL acquisition of 11/29/2018, and was stored in uncontrolled Florida garage conditions for an indeterminate period before acquisition through its catalog date of 12/19/2018. It is nonfunctional, providing a black video signal with sync only.