This is a “raw asset picture dump” post. It is a fairly un-annotated dump of pictures taken while archiving a vintage asset. Click any picture for the full-resolution version. The title indicates the asset catalog number.
Raw notes for this asset: “6522 issue; swapped 6522s and works except RESTORE key and cassette. Center claws broken. Includes PSU, TV switch, RF cable, RF modulator, accessories untested. Boxed, serial on box matches computer. PCB photos are before 6522 swap. Excellent physical condition. Accessories not tested.”
This is a Commodore VIC-20 with the C64 style keyboard, the 9VAC 2-prong input, and the claw style case mold (center claws broke while opening). It originated in my NYC collection, and has been stored in uncontrolled Florida garage conditions from 12/30/2011 through its catalog date of 10/06/2018. It has minor electrical issues. The retail box (oldest style; same style as the VIC-20 I had as a child), with matching box serial number, and some of the original accessories are included. No mechanical restoration was performed.